Bug #34358 [Csd]: Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this
(too old to reply)
2010-09-03 21:34:01 UTC
Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=34358&edit=1

ID: 34358
Updated by: ***@php.net
Reported by: pacha dot shevaev at gmail dot com
Summary: Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this
Status: Closed
Type: Bug
Package: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: *
PHP Version: 5.*
Assigned To: dmitry
Block user comment: N

New Comment:

It is not allowed anymore for obvious reasons. Please read the migration
guide and the PHP manual for more details.

Previous Comments:
[2010-09-03 23:12:07] az_startreker at yahoo dot com

$this = mysql_last_id();

I got the same error as previously stated. Worked fine in PHP 4. I use
the variable $this in the very next line of code for a database entry,
but it keeps kicking back fatal errors at this line.

[2005-10-21 10:07:38] ***@php.net

This bug is fixed.

Disallowing $a = &$this; and foo(&$this) is a feature request (not a
bug). Also I don't see any sense no breake BC and valid code only
because this assignment is dangerous.

[2005-10-04 08:01:48] pacha dot shevaev at gmail dot com

Guys your notes about possible misuse($ref =& $this;$ref = 'foo') are
totally valid but is soooooo much difficult to spot this situation

I'm by no means going to use this ref improperly but simply want BC with

[2005-10-03 12:42:48] ***@php.net

I'm reopening this so that we can discuss it. I don't think we should be
silently ignoring references as that's something vague. See mail to
internals@ in a bit.

[2005-10-03 12:14:59] ***@php.net

So for the curious who are wondering what "fixed" means. The & is
simply ignored in this case now.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=34358&edit=1
az_startreker at yahoo dot com
2010-09-03 21:12:07 UTC
Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=34358&edit=1

ID: 34358
Comment by: az_startreker at yahoo dot com
Reported by: pacha dot shevaev at gmail dot com
Summary: Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this
Status: Closed
Type: Bug
Package: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: *
PHP Version: 5.*
Assigned To: dmitry
Block user comment: N

New Comment:

$this = mysql_last_id();

I got the same error as previously stated. Worked fine in PHP 4. I use
the variable $this in the very next line of code for a database entry,
but it keeps kicking back fatal errors at this line.

Previous Comments:
[2005-10-21 10:07:38] ***@php.net

This bug is fixed.

Disallowing $a = &$this; and foo(&$this) is a feature request (not a
bug). Also I don't see any sense no breake BC and valid code only
because this assignment is dangerous.

[2005-10-04 08:01:48] pacha dot shevaev at gmail dot com

Guys your notes about possible misuse($ref =& $this;$ref = 'foo') are
totally valid but is soooooo much difficult to spot this situation

I'm by no means going to use this ref improperly but simply want BC with

[2005-10-03 12:42:48] ***@php.net

I'm reopening this so that we can discuss it. I don't think we should be
silently ignoring references as that's something vague. See mail to
internals@ in a bit.

[2005-10-03 12:14:59] ***@php.net

So for the curious who are wondering what "fixed" means. The & is
simply ignored in this case now.

[2005-10-03 10:22:47] ***@php.net

Fixed in CVS HEAD and PHP_5_1.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=34358&edit=1